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A Complete List Of Algorithms

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A complete list of all major algorithms (300), in any domain. The goal is to provide a ready to run program for each one, or a description of the algorithm. Programming languages include Java, JavaScript and PHP, C, C++ either in direct form or generated from a Scriptol source.


  • Powerset construction. Algorithm to convert nondeterministic automaton to deterministic automaton.
  • Todd-Coxeter algorithm. Procedure for generating cosets.

Artificial intelligence

  • Alpha-beta. Alpha max plus beta min. Widely used in board games.
  • Ant-algorithms. The ant colony optimisation is a set of algorithms inspired by ant behavior to solve a problem, find the best path between two locations.
  • DE (Differential evolution). Solve the Chebyshev polynomial fitting problem.
  • Semi-Supervised Recognition of Sarcastic Sentences in Online Product Reviews.
    Algortithm that recognize sacarsms or irony in a tweet or an online document. A such algorithm will be essential for humanoid robots programming too.
  • Sentiment analysis. Actually a combination of algos, naive Bayes, maximum entropy and SVM (Support Vector Machine classifieur).


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