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Java Interview Coding Questions and Answers

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It is natural for you to fear this process since many programmers, new and veteran alike, have doubts about their coding abilities. The best thing you can do is prepare yourself for what is to come. There are very few Java programming jobs that will hire a programmer without a basic hands-on interview so they can get an idea of the interviewee’s skills. This article will discuss three common Java interview questions with coding examples that interviewers may present you with. There are many other guides online that can help you with the questions that interviewers may ask; this article is going to focus only on coding problems.

Question 1: Explain the difference between sleep() and wait(). Give an example of how they can be used.

This is a good starter question for interviewers since it helps to define the scope of the interviewee’s experience. If you have never worked with threads, you have probably never worried about the sleep() and wait() methods. Here is the difference:



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