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Using HTML5 to Determine User Location

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Geolocation is one of the most exciting features offered by HTML5.

Using some relatively simple JavaScript code, you can create Web applications that determine various aspects of the user location, including longitude, latitude and altitude plus more. Some Web applications can even provide navigation functionality by monitoring the user position over time, integrating with map systems such as Google Maps API.

As with all HTML5 functions, you cannot yet rely on browser support. Where browser support exists, it varies in depth and consistency. Essentially, you need to provide alternative functionality for users whose browsers do not fully support HTML5.

In this tutorial we’ll run through the basics of establishing user location. In practice, the browser may be getting its data from more than one possible source. For example it could be GPS data on a mobile device or simply IP address based data on any device connected to the Internet. However, your code does not need to concern itself with these details, you can simply retrieve and use the location data for the purposes of your own projects.



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