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Though tech types tend to focus myopically on the laws of hardware innovation, including those written by Moore, Metcalfe and Kryder, these principles focus on infrastructure, which is only the first phase of a rising technology wave. After infrastructure, technology waves enter a platform and finally an application phase. It is during the platform phases in particular that entrepreneurs build world-changing companies without much initial capital, a la Gates and Zuckerburg. How do companies change user behavior so profoundly and produce massive growth, seemingly overnight?
I believe we can we plot the growth of online media companies against a predictive trend, like Moore’s law does for hardware. The percentage of users creating content is a function of users’ ability. That is to say, the easier it is to create content the more people create it. But why should we care about content creation? Because content creation has exponential benefit to the community and is by definition how online media platforms succeed. Platforms must enable users to create something valuable for other users; the business’ viability depends on it and the economics won’t work any other way.
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