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How To Installing Windows XP with a 3rd party SATA/RAID driver

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When installing Windows XP, most of the time you'll find that it has the basic drivers it needs to install itself. However, sometimes you might need to intervene. This tends to be the case if you have a special type of storage, such as Serial ATA or a RAID device. In situations like this, you need to load the necessary drivers from a floppy disk at the beginning of the setup process.

Usually, when you get a card or motherboard that has storage controllers which need special drivers, the necessary drivers will be provided on a floppy disk. This isn't always case, however. That's not a problem though, as all you have to do is locate the driver files and put them onto a floppy. The first thing to do is look for an installation CD. It may have a tool for creating a driver floppy. If not, it might just have the driver on it, in which case you'll have to create the floppy disk yourself. Otherwise, try the manufacturer's website, where you will probably find a downloadable version of the drivers.



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