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Why It is Important To Focus On Java Exceptions For Your Programs

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If you work with Java, it is important to understand exceptions. Exceptions are uncanny situations that can destroy the normal behavior of a program.

They are common in the Java programming language, and it is something you will have to deal with if you want to write good applications. Exceptions are defined as unchecked or checked, and they are also defined as being objects. Exceptions which are checked will stretch java.lang.Exception, and they will need to be controlled with a try/catch block. It is also possible to control them with a throws clause.

An exception which is unchecked will stretch java.lang.RuntimeException. They will not be reviewed by a compiler. While the checked exceptions can be useful, they may have a negative side effect, which is known as the "try/catch/do nothing" code. You can see an example of this here:   more...


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