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SOFT Rockers with solar panels to charge the gadgets

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The SOFT Rockers are made from flat MDF panels which have undergone an advanced digital curving process based on the zipshape process that was originally developed in Switzerland by Christoph Schindler. A lightweight Kuka robotic arm was used to remove portions of the structurally unsound wood to form an inside surface resembling a row of teeth. There’s nothing quite like an old rocking chair for finding your center and chilling out. Originally thought to have been developed as garden furniture, the rocker has now come full circle with the development of the SOFT Rocker by Professor Sheila Kennedy and architecture students from MIT.  more...

1 comment:

  1. Like a Soft Rocker Chair,I love to drafting chairs that are best budget chairs for office use. Because it gives 360 degree swivel option with ergonomic sitting. Read review about all type of drafting chairs that use as Rocker chairs.
