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CakePHP Installation & Configuration

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Frameworks make it easier to write maintainable code and they also provide a shortcut for rapidly developing new web applications. One of the more popular frameworks for use with PHP is CakePHP. CakePHP is a model-view-controller style framework. Structurally, it has many similarities to Ruby based Ruby on Rails web framework. CakePHP is one of the oldest and most robust and stable PHP frameworks on the market. CakePHP is free and open source. They have a manual called the Cookbook that provides some basic documentation. However, the Cookbook isn’t terribly detailed. Since installing CakePHP is the first step in getting familiar with it, we are going to walk through some basic CakePHP concepts and describe how to install a new CakePHP site using Apache, MySQL and Linux.

The Parts of CakePHP

As mentioned, CakePHP is a model-view-controller framework. Models in CakePHP handle all the database interaction. They save, update and query the database. Controllers host the logic of the application and control the input and output from the application. Controllers interact with the model layer to retrieve and save objects and they set variables for display in the view. In CakePHP, views are the templates that get rendered to display a web page or send an email.



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