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How to Find an E-mail Address by Facebook ID

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Social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace provide us with information about our friends, family and strangers and an ability to communicate with them indirectly through messages and wall posts. With the help of the Facebook networking site, contact information like email, phone and residential addresses can be found quickly and easily with a valid Facebook ID and the click of a button.

1. Go to the Facebook website. In the URL box located at the top of the website, type in, after the website URL, a backslash (/) followed by the Facebook ID. The Facebook ID is the numbers and letters that identify a person on Facebook. You can find this on a person's page. The ID is first assigned by Facebook and later can be customized to a more recognizable name. You can also go to a person's page by typing in his name in the search box.

2. Click on the "Info" tab for the person's profile. The tab will be in a different place depending on the particular layout of your Facebook page.

3.Scroll down to the section titled "Contact Information" and the person's school and personal email address will be listed if she chooses to reveal the information to the public.


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