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HTML Form Buttons Explained

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Learn how to add HTML buttons to your forms. Buttons allow visitors to submit a form to your server for processing, and interact with your forms in other ways.

As well as fields such as text fields, checkboxes and select menus, an HTML form can contain different types of buttons. Form buttons allow the user to submit the filled-in form to the server for processing. Your form will generally contain at least one form submit button so that the form can be sent.

The submit button

Form submit buttons usually send the form data to the script that was specified in the action attribute of the form tag (as described above). It takes the format:

<input type="submit" name="xxxx" value="xxxx">

The optional name attribute is the name of the button (for example, "sendform"). The value attribute specifies the value associated with this button. The value will also be the text label that appears on the button.



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