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Java And JavaScript: Similarities and Differences

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So... what is the difference between Java and JavaScript anyway?

They are both similar and quite different depending on how you look at them. First their lineage:

Java is an Object Oriented Programming (OOP) language created by James Gosling of Sun Microsystems. JavaScript is a scripting language that was created by the fine people at Netscape and was originally known as LiveScript.

Java and JavaScript are Still Two Different Animals

Now let's talk about how Java and JavaScript differ. The main difference is that Java can stand on its own while JavaScript must (primarily) be placed inside an HTML document to function. Java is a much larger and more complicated language that creates "standalone" applications. A Java "applet" (so-called because it is a little application) is a fully contained program. JavaScript is text that is fed into a browser that can interpret it and then it is enacted by the browser--although today's web apps are starting to blur the line between traditional desktop applications and those which are created using the traditional web technologies: JavaScript, HTML and CSS.



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