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Making Your Website Fun with Games

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Everywhere you look you find games, games and more games. They are on your cell phone, connected to your TV via a gaming console and everywhere you look on the web. People love their games, even the corny ones.

So, why not attract new visitors or keep visitors coming back with some games on your website? It’s not as hard as you might think. There are basically three methods that you can use to add some gaming fun to your website. And depending on how much effort you want to put forth, the games can be as elaborate or as simple as you like.
Write Your Own Simple Game in JavaScript

It doesn’t take much effort come up with a simple JavaScript driven game. I put together the trivia game code example below in about an hour. It took me much more than an hour to come up with the questions, though. The game is a simple true/false trivia game about the history of video games. I didn’t use any fancy image graphics although I would suggest doing so if you decide to really use this example on a website. Here's the HTML code:



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