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Ten Simple Ways to Make Your Boss Think You’re Brilliant

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Whether it is for a pay raise, a promotion, a great reference, or just a cubicle with a window, we all want to impress our boss at work. In tough economic times, we might just be trying to avoid being first in line for a pink slip. But honestly, do you really want to put in extra unpaid hours, potentially work weekends, and break your Facebook and Twitter habits?

Sure, it's a means to an end and everyone has to go above and beyond when needed. However, wouldn't it be nice to have a little help along the way? Here are ten simple, no-effort ways that will make your boss think you’re both indispensable and brilliant:

Beat the Clock

Most bosses are pretty consistent on the time they get into your office. Take note. If yours always arrives at 7.50 – get there at 7.45 (even if your official start time is 8).

Bonus to you: Arriving earlier than the boss makes you look keen and eager. Plus, when you’re skiving on Twitter or Facebook later in the day, you can justify it to yourself by those 15 extra minutes in the morning.



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