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If you've driven across the US—or even across a state line or
two—you've probably noticed that the roads you're driving on suck. They
suck more more than a string of gas station bathrooms, more than
hundreds of bug carcasses on your windshield. Our roads are riddled with potholes and cracks and bumpy asphalt
band-aids over more potholes and cracks. It's bad. And it's our fault.
Once upon a time, our roads were even worse. In 1919, the War Department organized a 72-vehicle convoy to go from east coast to west as a sort of army toughness publicity stunt. more...
Once upon a time, our roads were even worse. In 1919, the War Department organized a 72-vehicle convoy to go from east coast to west as a sort of army toughness publicity stunt. more...
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