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How to create a concept from an idea to final design in Photoshop

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In this article,  we will create a cool wallpaper with Photoshop, a few stock photos and tons of fun. Plus, there are quite a few tips and tricks you’ll learn along the way, it’s definitely worth reading. The tutorial is thoroughly explained, it reveals not only the technical aspect, but also how the ideas comes to life and how they morph to fit seamlessly in the same design.

The original idea was to start from an animal skull and build everything else around it, but at the moment, I did not know what I needed, what colors to choose, what tones to set, lighting point, color palette nor composition. So what is there to do when we have absolutely no lead?
We improvise and use logic, inspiration and an axe – you’ll break your knuckles if you use your bare hands to smash your keyboard if you get angry.


Now we’re all set, let’s begin!



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