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reCAPTCHA with CakePHP Forms Tutorial

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   Unfortunately, as a developer today, you have to consider the possibility of spammers using automated scripts to submit the forms on your web site. One popular method for preventing this is to use a CAPTCHA. A CAPTCHA is an image that contains words or an alphanumeric code. The image is often slightly distorted. The user must correctly enter the words or code for the form to be considered valid. This prevents scripts from submitting forms since the CAPTCHA is not readable by automated systems.

   The most popular system for implementing CAPTCHA is reCAPTCHA by Google. reCAPTCHA provides an API that makes it easy for any developer to include CAPTCHAs on their web forms. Furthermore, their API provides an audio of the CAPTCHA to help the visually impaired use your web form. This means you can still create accessible systems while protecting your forms from automated SPAM.



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