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How to earn more money as a software engineer

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    If you did not change in any way in the last year, it’s not very probable that you will get more money. Constantly expand your knowledge and skills. The skills expansion could happen not only through on the job experience, but also through pro-actively applying what you learn through books, blogs, online white papers and self-taught tutorials/projects. Nowadays, there is no such thing as real job security. The real job security comes from keeping your knowledge and skills current and sharp, presenting yourself in a better light in your CVs and job interviews, building a good online persona, and networking. Change yourself not only by acquiring the relevant technical skills, but also by demonstrating the right soft skills, business skills, and attitude. Research shows that the top five skills to have are -- analytical , technicalcommunicationinterpersonal, and leadership skills. While you are at work or being interviewed, you will be judged on these skills along with other attributes like:



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