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Using jQuery and CSS To Create a Facebook Multi-friend Selector

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One of the useful features Facebook provided was the multi-friend selector with which we could select multiple friends by clicking on their profile picture and then either sending them a message or inviting them to and event or website. If you are familiar with FBML tags, this line should not be new to you:

<fb:multi-friend-selector actiontext="Select the friends you want to invite. (All of them.)" rows="3"/>

Last year, for reasons unknown to me, Facebook decided to leave FBML tags behind and published a JavaScript API with which you can rebuild the same functionality, except that now we have to do most of the heavy lifting as opposed to simply using the above tag.

The FBML tag however had a few short comings. The lack of options to be able to style the controller, to be able to add hooks to events like selecting a friend, unselecting a friend etc., annoyed several JavaScript developers. When the Facebook team announced that they are coming out with the JavaScript SDK, it brought a smile on all our faces. Mike Brevoort built a brilliant jQuery plugin that renders the Facebook Multi-Friend Selector in your website using the JavaScript SDK. Its not like it is the first of its kind plugin, but the best part of this solution is that it doesn't require any server-side code.



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