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How To Use Twitter API To Display Your Twitter Updates

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It is common for blogs to display their twitter feed on the page which is mostly displayed in the sidebar of your wordpress blog.

Now there are many ready made wordpress plug-ins which will display your twitter feed and some have much more functionality. But do you really need more? From a twitter feed you just want your twitter feed.

So in this tutorial you will learn how you can get your twitter feed using the Twitter APIs and display these updates on your wordpress blog. For future posts I will also show you that you can then turn this functionality into your own wordpress plugin.

Why Not Just Use A Ready Made Plugin

Displaying the twitter feed is simple functionality all you have to do is get your updates and display them on the page, no other functionality is needed…therefore no need to download a plugin which will add some extras.

You get full control of the mark-up you use so you can style your feed exactly how you want and display exactly what data you want.

Take full advantage of the Twitter API. Using the Twitter API you can get all the data for any twitter account just by supplying the username, no verification is needed. Also using the Twitter API you can get more data than the user timeline you can also get lists to display on the page.



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