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List of Really Useful Tools For CSS3 Developers

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Generally speaking, CSS is very easy. But when browser vendors started implementing CSS3 features, things became little complicated. Not difficult but complicated. This is mainly due to two reasons: first of all many new CSS3 properties (e.g., transition, gradient, transform, etc) are not that simple and secondly we have to use vendor specific extensions.

Until the time your favorite IDE provides built in support for CSS3, your best friends are CSS3 generators, cheat sheets, reference guides and JavaScript based solutions. This is exactly what this roundup covers; it provides really useful tools that will assist you in learning and applying CSS3 today.

Here is our list of useful tools for CSS3 developers:

CSS3 Please!
Cross browser CSS3 rule generator, supports: border-radius, box-shadow, gradient(linear), rgba colors, transform (rotate), transition and @font-face.
CSS3 Generator
Supports border radius, box shadow, text shadow, RGBA, @font-face, multiple columns, box resize, box sizing and outline.
CSS3 Sandbox
Consist of CSS3 generator tools for Linear Gradients, Radial Gradients, Text Shadows, Box Shadows, Transforms and Text Stroke.
@font-face Generator
Easy to use CSS3 @font-face genertor from Font Squirrel.



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