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PHP, SQL, jQuery and AJAX - Populate Select Boxes

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In this tutorial I will show you how to write a simple jQuery AJAX script to populate Multiple select boxes from data retrieved from an SQL Database. As a demonstration I will use the concept of a search query implemented on most motor sales websites.

For a demonstration (NOT one of my websites) of the script please visit :
Sierra Blanca Motors of Ruidoso | New Vehicle Inventory

First, Lets build our relationships in the Database :
We will have one table named 'types' to save the different vehicle types on may want to query. We will have another table named 'makes' to save the different vehichle manufacturers names. The final Table will be named 'model' to save a list of models available. The 'model' table will have two refference keys namely 'mo_make' and 'mo_type'.  more...


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